Iron Heritage Museum

Museum contains coins and iron engravings. The entire history of Israel since 1920 and until the end of the century is displayed through the art of iron.
The “Iron Heritage Museum” in Kibbutz Tze’elim is an historic gem and a spectacular iron-clad artwork, imbued with a personal story and presenting the Jewish and Israeli heritage over the past century.
The museum is recognized as a national heritage site and was established with a government grant. It is designed with unique characteristics and creates an incredible collection of metal works produced by a family of Jerusalem craftsmen: It includes metal arts, medals, symbols and stories from the days of the British Mandate, the resilience and the struggle for independence, the days of the establishment of the State of Israel until to the present day.
The site is suitable for groups (18-50 people), and direction is given by Boaz Kretchmer – the grandson founder who worked n the alleys of Jerusalem at the beginning of the previous century – Boaz is an excellent storyteller integrating his family history with the story of the establishment of the museum and its distinctive design. The story is incorporated into the Zionist and national heritage episodes down through the years. Visitors discover connections with the personal and familial stories and with the special display. The tour duration is 1.5 hours.