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Phone: 0777295741
Address: Alumim

Alumim – Be’erot in the Negev

Alumim – Be’erot in the Negev

Address: קיבוץ עלומים

The Be’erot Yitzhak water tower – the first religious settlement in the Negev. The site’s uniqueness and the story of settlement and heroism surrounding it have always attracted audiences from Israel and abroad, those who wished to “touch” the daily reality of the settlement and the defense against Gaza throughout our independent years as a people in Israel. The water tower is at the center of a proud and blossoming agricultural and settled area, and today attracts many people wishing to feel our strength as a people and to identify with the pioneers and people who continued their tradition– it is one of the most significant symbols and the center of the story of pioneer Zionist settlement, and a focal point for identity and identification. The bullet-ridden water tower is at the center of the site, and has undergone restoration and renovation in the past two years and is not adapted to...

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Open Days: SuMoTuWeTh

Phone: 077-7295735
Address: Lahav Forest

The Joe Alon Center

The Joe Alon Center

Address: גו אלון

The Joe Alon Center is an educational tourist center teaching about the Negev settlement and culture and which includes the only museum of its kind in the world for Bedouin culture, offering a fascinating presentation on the  which Bedouin life-style through the years under the extreme conditions of the area. The Joe Alon Center includes an extensive presentation on the period of the Bar Kokhba revolt with options for a range of activities in the forest. The museum is located at the heart of Lahav Forest, and is an excellent spot for bicycle rides, hikes and trips by car....

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Family activity

Phone: 077-7295809
Address: Hatzerim

Hatzerim Tourism

Hatzerim Tourism

Address: Hatzerim

Golden Desert  Gather at the new visitor center to watch a short film about Kibbutz Hatzerim, the Netafim company and the global agricultural-technological revolution it is leading. A fascinating explanation about the Jojoba industry in Hatzerim that paints the Negev green, and the production of the "Golden Desert" oil - the pure, unique cosmetic Jojoba oil produced in the Jojoba plantations located around Kibbutz Hatzerim and throughout the Negev - Visitors may purchase pure cosmetic Jojoba oil and other products on-site. *Visit duration: about 50 minutes   The Green Negev Captivating training session in the Jojoba plantations: advanced and unique agriculture based on drip technologies that "paints the Negev green." *Tour duration: about 1.5 hours Art & Agriculture Gather at the new visitor center and watch a short film about Kibbutz Hatzerim and its industries. Mounted guided tour along the "Sculpture Route" - a unique project of Kibbutz Hatzerim members with the KKL-JNF - "A dialogue between art, nature and history...

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Phone: 077-7295773
Address: Kfar Aza

Maoz opposite Gaza

Maoz opposite Gaza

Address: סעד

The site is dedicated to the three religious kibbutzim in the area. The ground floor of the museum presents photographs of the story of Kibbutz Sa’ad during the War of Independence. Access to the site is through the entrance road to Kibbutz Kfar Aza. The old security building of Kibbutz Saad was renovated and now serves as an active site with exhibitions and films telling the story of the battle for the area, emphasizing the story of the 3 religious kibbutz settlements in the Negev during the War of Independence. In addition, original telegrams are on view describing events from the war. The exhibition demonstrates the struggle of the warriors who were short of weapons, food and water and had to spend days and nights digging underground. An audio-visual is located on the second floor describing the atmosphere in Israel during the war, the part played by the 27 isolated towns in the...

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Phone: 0777295778
Address: The First Settlers Site, Ruhama

The First Settlers Site

The First Settlers Site

Address: רוחמה

The story of the first settlement in the Negev in recent times together with a short film. 100 years for the first settlement in the Negev in the First Settlers Site in Kibbutz Ruhama! Ruhama was re-established four times and destroyed three times by natural disasters and by man, and it shall not fall a fourth time!...

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Open Days: SuMoTuWeThFr

Phone: 077-7295855
Address: Tkuma

The Burnt Vehicles Compound

The Burnt Vehicles Compound

Address: Tkuma

The burnt vehicles compound consists of 1,560 vehicles evacuated from the Gaza Envelope’s roads and communities in the weeks following the surprise attack on the morning of Simchat Torah, October 7th, 2023. The compound was originally established as a logistical solution providing storage to vehicles evacuated from the region’s roads, to ensure they remain clear and allowing the military forces’ operational movement. The vehicles’ evacuation was led by the Home Front Command officers and soldiers in coordination with the Netivei Israel company, and in cooperation with property tax personnel who seized the vehicles to identify, and later compensate, their owners. The vehicles that were brought to the compound went through a comprehensive process on their original location and again on the compound , including the disposal of hazardous devices such as explosives, grenades and other weapons that could harm the personnel handling the vehicles, the collection of the victim’s remains to be brought...

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Family activity

Phone: 077-7295798
Address: Nahal Oz

Oz BaNegev – Visitors Center

Oz BaNegev – Visitors Center

Address: Nahal Oz

Nahal Oz - the story of all of us!!!!!! Oz BaNegev - The visitors' center at Kibbutz Nahal Oz is all about Zionism, agriculture, holding the land, the complex security situation and offers plenty of activities. Nahal Oz - the first Nachal settlement in Israel, the kibbutz that faced the impossible, and the spirit and courage of its residents that had led it through tough times. The tour of the visitors' center takes about 1.5-2 hours and includes: Hot drinks and something sweet Watching a compelling, 15-minute film A visit to a forward post for special observation and a fascinating historical and security overview of the area. Instruction in our visitors' hall: Nahal Oz in colors on the center's walls through which we will learn about the idea of the kibbutz, and Nahal Oz in particular. A meeting with kibbutz members who will tell us their personal stories and talk about the...

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Phone: 077-7295776
Address: Dekel

The Story of the Yamit Region

The Story of the Yamit Region

Address: מושב דקל

The Story of the Yamit Region – visitor center explains the towns of the Yamit Region. The fascinating story of the Yamit Region finds itself breathing life again. The official memorial site “The Story of the Yamit Region” tells the story of the place returned to within the Egyptian borders in 1981, then  willingly evacuated by its residents, with their businesses and homes, for the sake of peace. The visitor center was established in the town of Dekel in Hevel Shalom, where six towns and 2 kibbutz settlements have been established since the evacuation of Yamit, for a new settlement in the Negev. The visitor center represents a magical, nostalgic corner of pioneering, creativity, pride in place, human and personal stories – for each visitor to experience in their own way. The historic importance of Yamit has brought Zehava Shaked, Tamar Shivat – who evacuated from Yamit and established Dekel...

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Open Days: MoTuWeThFrSa

Phone: 077-7295777
Address: Tzeelim

Iron Heritage Museum

Iron Heritage Museum

Address: צאלים

Museum contains coins and iron engravings. The entire history of Israel since 1920 and until the end of the century is displayed through the art of iron. The "Iron Heritage Museum" in Kibbutz Tze'elim is an historic gem and a spectacular iron-clad artwork,  imbued with a personal story and presenting the Jewish and Israeli heritage over the past century. The museum is recognized as a national heritage site and was established with a government grant. It is designed with unique characteristics and creates an incredible collection of metal works produced by a family of Jerusalem craftsmen: It includes metal arts, medals, symbols and stories from the days of the British Mandate, the resilience and the struggle for independence, the days of the establishment of the State of Israel until to the present day. The site is suitable for groups (18-50 people), and direction is given by Boaz Kretchmer - the grandson founder who...

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Phone: 0777295743
Address: Gvulot

Gvulot Lookout

Gvulot Lookout

Address: גבולות

This is the first lookout established in the Negev, in 1943. The site offers visitors a wide range of activities. The site has a unique restoration of systems for collecting rainwater which served the town until the arrival of a water pipeline in 1947. Gvulot lookout shows the original water pipe, which has  lain in the sandy ground for 60 years. The water pipe, along with the water collection plant, has been signposted and prepared to receive visitors. Our story begins in May 1943 and continues today in visits, fun activities, day and night, summer and winter....

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